The sad incidents of AoT - proves of Ymir's manipulation

I am a massive fan of Attack on Titan and there's actually a lot to the ending that I do enjoy it's just that the things that are some sad incidents of AoT about it ruin the good part for me to fully understand. These are incidents needed to Ymir. She manipulated everything by herself. None of them did nothing to regret. Here These are all some proves of Ymir's manipulation.

The sad incidents of AoT that messes everything in our head

The sad incidents of AoT

This is one of the saddest incidents of AoT. Armin asks if Eren thinks that "Mikasa will forget him and live a happy life with someone else." Eren answers "who knows," and then Armin punches him in the face and goes off on how Eren is disregarding Mikasa's love for him and that it wasn't the right thing to do just abandoning her. This was kind of weird for Armin to do. This is the same Eren who stood in front of the sea stoic. When a gun pointed at his head. He walked into it knowing he would not be killed. The one who had to talk with Reiner in the basement before body slamming dozens of Marley and military officials, the same Eren who cried, saying he was useless as he watched helplessly as honest died before standing up and facing the Titan who killed his mother, the same one with all the rage and power to move forward doing all the horrific things he has done. Just to say no, I don't want that because of finding another man. I want her to think about me and no one else for the rest of my life, even after I die. I want to be at the front of her mind for a while—ten years at least.

After this outburst, Armin stands there shocked. He calls Eren pathetic, then listens as Eren continues saying that his decision to flatten the world was something he was going to do regardless of whether he was stopped or not, and then one of the favorite lines from Aaron Jaeger by far in response to Armin asking why Eren says, "I don't know why I wanted to do that I had to.".
Read More: Eren Jaeger

how Falco is able to turn into a freaking bird and come in last minute to save the day. well, who do you think makes his Titan form as well as put the memories into his head that he could even fly in the first place. well, it was because if Falco wasn't a bird the heroes wouldn't have won you can look at this with the conversation between Armin and Zeke was it Zeke agreeing with Armin and understanding that life does have meaning in just living it and that somehow wakes up all the Titan friends from throughout the series specifically only the ones that we know about and none of the other ones. It's because it was Ymir manufacturing the entire fight on the back of the Titan. so, that it could lead to Mikasa killing Eren you could start to look at this with characters like Gabby who is notorious for getting lucky with her shooting. but maybe the only reason her bullets land is because each shot was necessary for how everything turned out. She shot Sasha on the blimp. so, that she would go to parade so that eventually Falco would get the jaw. So, even something as far back as Sasha's death was planned out by Ymir.
The sad incidents of AoT

Ymir Fritz be like everyone one is just my puppet

You can even look back further to the most climactic of choices throughout the series. like, Levi picking Army over Erwin was it really because Levi wanted or Armin to rest or was it because Ymir needed Armin to live on same with Riner being able to survive his head getting blown off or Zeke being reduced to only a head in an upper torso. They lived not because they transferred their Consciousness or had a strong will to live. They lived because Ymir wanted them to. I could go on and on all of this just feels like a slap in the face not only to the characters in the show but to the audience for believing those characters actually had agency in their actions. When in reality they didn't. Riner, Annie, Bartolt, Jean, Connie, Mikasa and Armin none of them should feel guilty because of the blood on their hands. because deep down it wasn't them who was doing the killing. It was Ymir. The proof is when Eren says he sent the smiling Titan to kill his own mother. Every event that has ever occurred in Attack on Titan was predetermined thanks to Ymir needing to see if someone would make the choice that she couldn't years ago. I guess if you look at that in a positive light the series forgives its characters for all the sins they've created. Because they can all truly be blamed on the devil Ymir at the end of the day.


Ymir was a psychopathic devil. She couldn't make the right decision in the past. She decided to kill Eren to escape from that regret. She is the one who decided the incidents that needed to happen. She is the one who manipulated Eren. She made Mikasa kill Eren. The Whole Attack on Titan anime is just Ymir's plan. Although Eren achieved his goal, Eren never freed her. She is the one who freed everyone from the Titanic curse.


1. Who has the most tragic story in AoT?
Ans: Ymir Fritz has the most tragic story in AoT.

2. Why was Attack on Titan so sad?
Ans: Ymir manipulated everything. Eren turned into the villain. Everything messes up in the end. These are all some reasons for that.

3. What is the tragic story of Eren?

Ans: Eren's goal is to end the titanic curse, bring peace to the world, and live happily with his friends. He reached his goal by becoming a mass murderer. Ymir manipulated Eren. He never had a goal. This was all Ymir was doing. He is a puppet of Ymir.

4. What happened in AoT?

Ans: Eren reached his goal and died. Ymir freed herself from regret. Everyone lived happily after that.

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