Eren Jaeger - AoT manipulator

Attack on Titan is a manga and anime series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama on September 28th, 2013. The anime adaptation was produced by wit studio and directed by Tetaro Araki. The first season of the anime aired in Japan between April and September of Attack on Titan is the most intense and thrilling anime series of the past decade. It is the story of a young boy called Eren Jaeger. He is the hero and can be called as AoT manipulator. If you haven't seen the show yet, you're in for a wild ride.

Manipulator of AoT - Eren Jaeger's introduction

Eren Jaeger

Attack on Titan takes place in a world where humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction by giant human-like creatures called Titans. These Titans have no apparent reason for attacking humans, and their goal only seems to be to devour humans. The story follows a young boy named Eren Jaeger who vows to take revenge on the Titans after watching his mother be devoured in front of him. His friends Mikasa and Armin fight to survive in a world where death is always looming. But the show is not just about mindless action, as you'll find yourself constantly questioning the government. The true nature of the Titans and characters motivations is one of the things that sets Attack on Titan apart from other anime series. It is the depth of its worldbuilding and the complexity of its characters. The show explores themes such as the cost of freedom, the nature of humanity, and the dangers of blindly following authority. As the story progresses, you'll find yourself becoming deeply invested in the characters and their struggles. You'll cheer for their victories and grieve for their losses.

The moment that changes the AoT

After the hardest battle in the in the middle of their lives, mass amounts of sacrifices were made. But they found what they were looking for. The basement. The secret of the world and a new objective for what was once known as the rest of humanity and is now known as subjects of Ymir Fritz on Parody Island. After four long years, Eren is within the continent of Marley, living undercover. As soon as the world declares war, his assault begins, and more death and destruction continue. But we are all left to wonder why Eren chose to go on his own and then force his comrades into that battle ever since the end of season three. Eren had been different; we don't know his motivations anymore. Hell, we didn't even know what he looked like until he revealed. In fact, the focus of the show doesn't seem to be on him anymore.
Eren Jaeger

Eren reveals his true intentions to Zeke. Zeke's own attempt at saving Eren unknowingly gives Eren the upper hand. As he manipulates the past so that Eren can have the power he needs. Now you have to stop Eren for what is about to happen. He'll be horrendous for mankind. Zeke tries, but Eren is not one to be bound by anyone, and with his determination, he races forward all to speak with the founder. The founder was a young girl who grew up in a harsh world as a slave and obtained God-like power just to continue to be a slave. Because it's all she has ever known. She almost seems like the opposite of Eren. She's fine being stuck if it means she can have what she thinks is a happy family. She was trapped in her mind and then trapped in a world of her own creation. Forced to do the bidding of the royal bloodline for eternity here. Eren told me, "I'll put an end to this world if you give me your strength. You're nobody's slave, and you're no God either; you're just a person. You don't have to serve anyone; you can make your own choices. This is your power; you get to decide" We finally learn of Eren's true intention to start a full-scale rumbling and destroy the whole outside world, and with the conversations held in the episode, his intentions are clear. He dreamed of an outside world where everywhere you looked was freedom to have his friends live long happy lives and to save all of his people at any cost, and that's it. That's the end—a man turned monster with the same ideals that made him a hero at the beginning of the story to the villain in the end. Of course, people who see this will want to see more.


Eren Jaeger's wanted freedom. He aimed for a true peaceful world like every hero. He determined to the very end to bring peace. Eren Jeager wanted a world where he and his friends live a happy life. He found the founder of titans Ymir Fritz. Where a hero turned into the monster in the eyes of everyone. He tried to change the things in a good way. but it didn't happen. In the end Eren Jaeger decided to kill half of the population and let his friends to kill him. He wanted his friends to be the savior of the world and bring peace. But in the end, he also manipulated by the founder of the titans. Although we could say that everything goes according to his plan.


1. is it Eren Yeager or Jeager?
Ans: Both are correct.

2. Is Eren good or bad?

Ans: He did bad things that can have defined him as true villain. He tried to change things in good way. But he is just manipulated by Ymir Fritz.

3. Who was Eren Jaeger's crush?
Ans: Mikasa was Eren Jaeger's crush.

4. Who is Eren Jaeger's father?
Ans: Grisha Jaeger.

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